Languages of Love (Part I)

In my last post, I said that I was going to write about the ways in which love can be communicated.  This is the first of five posts in this series.

Ok, so the first language of love is through words that stimulate.  This means taking time, not just to say “I love you”, but also to motivate and stimulate others through words.  By using this language, you can let someone know you love them and you can also show your appreciation, respect, and admiration.

Some ideas are:

1. Telling that person what a blessing it is to have him/her by your side.

2. Sending a text message or leaving a voice mail telling that person what you like about him/her.

3. Just saying I love you is not enough, MEAN what you say!

4. Write a story about how you met and share it with your loved one.

5. Grab a pen and some post-its and fill the house, the car, the office, or any other place with notes about what makes that person special.

It is also important to pray for your partner and to ask God to make your bond stronger and to help you and guide you each day.

Stay tuned for the others!

God bless!

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